bijwoord / bijv. nw. 5

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Welke van de 2 hoort in de zin?

terrible/terribly * It was cold in January.
terrible/terribly * We had a time.
terrible/terribly * We were lucky to meet you today.
simple/simply * The thief got in through the back door.
simple/simply * Sam’s plan sounds , but it won’t be so .
simple/simply * They didn't know the answer.
simple/simply * A life has its advantages, hasn’t it ?
dull/dully * He always wears suits of some grey colour.
dull/dully * The soldiers just walked along.
bright/brightly * Her face was with happiness.
bright/brightly * The book looked very attractive with all those coloured pictures.
bright/brightly * That was a idea.
Let's go digital !